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Body-Mind Centering® & Dance in Schönbrunn park-Vienna

WHERE: Schönbrunn, Hietzinger Tor,
Long Meadow (Lange Wiese) few metres inside the park, close to Public Toilets.
exact location in Google map

JULY 2020
Saturdays 18th at 11.00 to 13.00 MORNING + picnic
Fridays 24th, 18.30 to 20.30 EVENING

We will start from our body, tune in our senses and slide along our skin, diving into inspiring anatomical landscapes to motivate kinesthetics explorations.
We will move like a fluid between our inner and outer membrane to meet nature and reflect back.
We will let our bones, tissues, blood and organs inform our movement and expand express outside into dance in a dialogue with the natural landscape.
The class will offer a warm-up for the body-mind bringing us into a state of presence and openness, following a guided thematic physical exploration that will develop in a more open score and improvisation face.
We will work especially with solo practice (due to corona Virus issue) but we will still bring kinaesthetic awareness to others by using tuning scores that allow interconnection with the group without physical touch. Instead, we are going to use sound and vocalisation as well as self-touch.

Some material of exploration:
-Seeing and moving with the skin.
-Core and periphery.
-Gravity & flow in movement
-Sensing & relating (the self and the others)
-Development of spine & gut.
-Nervous System, regulating between action and rest.

BENEFIT: The aim is, to become more aware and rooted in your body and to cultivate a state of listening through your senses and perceptions. Become more familiar with the different parts and qualities of your body as well as finding a deep sense of organic unity and peace with yourself and the surrounding. Find tools to nourish and support the body-mind to stay healthy, vital and present beyond the challenges of the world at this moment.

THE TEACHING: is supported mainly by Body-Mind Centering® which is a study and research around the body bringing its anatomy and physiology to life, through an experiential approach using movement, touch, voice; combined with my personal experience with site-specific dance and improvisation.

PARTICIPANT: Classes are for anyone interested to be guided into a self-experience of embodiment and joy of discovering their body and movement possibilities as well as for more experienced dancer and shakers ( max 9 participants allowed)
drop-in or follow all classes

One session drop-in: 20 Euros
4 sessions 70 Euros
2 sessions: 40 Euros
SPECIAL OFFER: Bring a friend you pay 5 euro less each,
15/ 65/35 euros
(As we are going through a difficult time I am open to discuss any discount price If you need, just contact me)


or bank transfer to Shantala Sacco, IBAN: DE28100110012629767668

mobile 6763996955

Body-Mind Centering® online classes 
Stability & Mobility 

7 Wednesdays from May 13th to June 24th
Time: 19.00 to 20.15 (CEST)

BONE STRUCTURE giving us stability and protection in relations with ORGAN SYSTEM giving us volume and supporting mobility and expression.

Body-Mind Centering® is a study and research around the body which brings its anatomy and physiology to life, through a somatic experiential approach using movement, touch, voice. We will start by connecting with the nature of our bones and look at how our skeleton developed and adapted its structure to improve its ability to move while meeting gravity and environment. Then we will integrate the nourishment and soft qualities of the organs, supporting our inner motivation and desire to move. Some materials of exploration:

  • Bones: qualities, layers
  • Soft spine, embryology
  • Developmental patterns
  • Bones Containers: sculpt, chest, pelvis
  • Organs Content: brain, lungs, heart, guts.
  • Appendicular & Axial
  • Limbs: Hands & Feet

We will explore how these different body systems and material can support and affect our movement, breath, state of mind and wellbeing.
The aim is to expand our movement potential and become more rooted and aware of our bodies.

CLASSES ARE FOR: anyone interested to be guided into a self-experience of embodiment and joy of discovering their body and movement possibilities as well as for more experienced dancer and shakers. We can explore this alone and with restricted space.

PRICE: Donation, pay as much as you can,
Suggested price between 6-12 Euros per class.

Drop into any class or follow all 7 classes

to participate and receive zoom link please email

Body-Mind Centering® Online Wednesdays Classes

Body-Mind Centering® is a study and research around the body which brings its anatomy and physiology to life, through an experiential approach using movement, touch, voice.  In this series, we will focus on finding ways of being more rooted in our bodies and remain present beyond the challenges of the world at this moment, by nourishing and supporting the body-mind to stay healthy and more relaxed. The aim is to become more aware of our bodies and to cultivate a state of listening through our senses and perceptions. We will investigate how different body systems are working separately as well as in unison as one organism. We will explore how these different systems (bones, organs, fluids, muscles, nervous system…) can support and affect our movement, breath, state of mind and wellbeing. Those classes are for anyone interested to be guided into a self-experience of embodiment and joy of discovering their body and movement possibilities as well as for more experienced dancer and shakers.

The themes of April 20120 classes are Fluids System and Immune System and we can explore this alone and with restricted space.

  • Every week on Wed, until Apr 29, 2020, 4 occurrence(s)
            Apr 8, 2020, 07:00 – 20:15 PM, CET ( Lynph & Immune system)
            Apr 15, 2020, 07:00 – 20:15 PM, CET ( Blood & Circulation)
            Apr 22, 2020, 07:00 – 20:15 PM, CET ( Synovial & Joint mobility)
            Apr 29, 2020, 07:00 – 20:15 PM, CET ( Fluids & Pre-vertebrate) More to come……
  • Price: donation between 5-12 Euros for each class ( drop-in )
  • Booking & Registration:

Life in Water Life on Land

An experiential & somatic movement journey grounded in Body-Mind Centering® principles of embodied anatomy, dance improvisation and body awareness.

The focus of this series is the living body and our connection with the environment. We explore the terrestrial and aquatic origins of movement.

This process of development unfolds through a series of movement patterns which parallels embryological, infant and animal development.

You are invited to experience how the body changes and adapts to reach into the environment, play, create and relate.

It’s time to get juicy!! and move from aquatic to terrestrial beings.

Start in autumn 2019 in Vienna

6 classes in a studio +1 class in a pool +1 Individual session

Embodying the Skeletal System  

Friday 7th June, 18:30 to 21:00, Saturday 15th June, 10:30 to 16:30

Body-Mind Centering® is an encompassing and embodied approach to movement, experiential anatomy, embryology and human development.
These series of sessions are focussed on the Skeletal System. Composed of bones and joints, the skeleton creates a living and dynamic structure of support within the body, giving form, protection and carrying us through space in relationship to gravity. Embodying bone supports the quality of effortless clarity.
In the session, we provide precise guidance, based on specific BMC material, to dive into your inner landscapes and body-mind investigations whilst supporting you to embody the practice in a way which authentic and unique to you.
Unfolding through a dynamic progression from mat-work on the floor to standing, walking, moving and dancing we cover the major bases for embodied wellbeing. You will be encouraged to develop body awareness, structural alignment, coordination and functional movement whilst engaging your imagination, creative expression and joy of movement.
These classes are for anyone curious and open-minded about movement, the body and wellbeing as well as for dancers, bodyworkers, yoga teachers and other special interests.

FACILITATORS: Melody Shantala Sacco and Sebastian Bechinger are Somatic Movement Educators in Body-Mind Centering®. both in German and/or English language depending on the need of participants.

LOCATION: Tanz*Hotel, Zirkusgasse 35, 1020 Vienna

PRICE: class by Donation, Workshop 30/40 euro.


21st December 2018 , 20 to 0:30 pm 

This workshop/warm-up is an invitation to a journey into embodiment and presence through the experiential anatomy and somatic movement of Body-Mind Centering®. Following BMC® principles, we will dive inside the body and its various landscapes of systems and cells, tissues and fluids, bones and flesh. With the curious attitude of an explorer, we will use imagery, movement and conscious touch to inspire, inform and transform our movement qualities, bringing our unique dance into expression, into space and into relationships to others.This class is for anyone aiming for greater awareness of the body and for more freedom in movement and expression. It will last one hour and to follow there are barefoot dances with DJ music.

Location: Veranstaltungssaal, Kirche am Gaußplatz 14, 1020 Wien.

Contribution : 10 Euro

3 Dancing Inside-out Nature workshops

Saturday 24th May – 16 – 7th July 2018 

Grounding to earth and expanding into the sky through our limbs.

An outdoor Dance & Somatic movement workshop, following experiential anatomy and the Body-Mind Centering® principles. The invitation is to guide you on an imaginary journey inside the body, with an open and curious attitude of an explorer.

Through movement improvisation practice and somatic awareness tools, we will tune to a specific system of the body (cells, fluids, bone structure, organs) to find out how it works and function and we will embody its quality.

The aim is to turn all inside-out and bring the experience of the inner-body, into the outer environment through a dance expression, as well as creating a bridge between those two realms that can support us while moving and acting during our daily life.

LOCATION: Augarten park, Wien. see google map link

TIME: 10.30 to 13.00 class
following a picnic( bring something to share)

PRICE: special trial class, Free donation welcome

For next Saturday’s workshop 16th June & 7th July CHECK NEW LOCATIONS AND TIME

Themes of next dancing inside-out nature workshops:

– Structure & flow, connecting to our bones & fluids.
– Between the land & the body, listening, responding, expressing.

To confirm your participation, please email

facebook link

Navel of life

Workshops for pregnant women and aspiring mothers in preparation for giving birth and becoming mothers. You are embraced as a whole a person and taken on a journey through the changes of pregnancy while accompanied in a somatic transformative movement exploration. We will use body awareness and movement tools based on experiential anatomy and embodiment practice as well as apply nurturing gentle massage techniques and guided visualization. The aim is to help you tune with your body and your baby and to listen to your needs, to support your wellbeing process as well as promote a positive state of mind.

Awareness through Touch

Emphasis on the fluid system of the body

We are bringing our focus to the sense of touch which is the first to develop and our earliest mean of communication from the uterus to the arms of our mother.
The workshop will offer opportunities to explore different types of touch and how those can impact us and bring us in different mind states.

We will practice how to connect our touch to different layers and systems of the body like bones, fluids, muscles, nervous system etc.
We will learn some nurturing touch and massage techniques, practice in partners, receiving and giving, in mutual support of our well being. Touch will happen with our clothes on.